Prospect Parks and Recreation
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Watch what happens when you get crazy with potions!  Step into our Mad Science Atomic Laboratory and mix up different chemicals to create some crazy concoctions, booming explosions (safe ones), and gooey substances like slime, glowing creatures, and super bouncy balls!  Your chemists will be blown away when they learn how to use real labware to create reactions that are fizzy, foam, color changing and mysterious!  They will also witness a Dry Ice cloud and have a Dry Ice Shower that they will never forget!  Students will bring home an official Mad Science Lab Coat, science goggles, lab equipment to make a chemistry lab at home, and become a certified Jr. Mad Scientist!

Snow Days
February 6th we cancelled due to snow. We added a new date to the end. Now ending on March 6th

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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