Prospect Parks and Recreation
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Skyhawks Youth Volleyball Ages 10-14 Register View Cart

Skyhawks Volleyball
Skyhawks Volleyball takes the energy and excitement of this great team sport and puts it all together into one fun filled program.  All aspects of the game are taught through drills and exercises that focus on bumping, setting, spiking, hitting and serving.  This program is designed for the beginning to intermediate player.

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Skyhawks Youth Volleyball-Ages 10-14 
10y - 14y N/A 03/10/2025 - 04/07/2025
05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Prospect Community Center - Gymnasium
$99.00 Res, $99.00 Non-Res
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Skyhawks Youth Volleyball-Ages 10-14 
10y - 14y N/A 04/21/2025 - 05/19/2025
05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Prospect Community Center - Gymnasium
$99.00 Res, $99.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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